Well, I finally did it! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. And now it’s here!
I’ve always wanted to write a verse-by-verse commentary on Genesis 1–11 in my own conversational,
easy-to-understand style for the family. It’s unique, packed with God’s amazing and foundational events, and it’s entitled Creation to Babel.
I believe one of the main gifts the Lord has entrusted to me is the gift of teaching. I love to communicate the truth of God’s Word, the gospel, and the foundational truths of Genesis so everyone will understand the message. Woven throughout all my presentations, I give what we at Answers in Genesis have come to call the relevance message. It’s a message to explain why it is so important to take God at his Word in Genesis (specifically Genesis 1–11). Often, after I give the relevance message in a church or at the Ark Encounter or Creation Museum, I will have 10-year-old children tell me how much they loved the message. People of all backgrounds (pastors, academics, teachers, engineers, mechanics, construction workers, etc.) tell me how much the message impacted them. Also, I ensure the relevance message comes through when I give special talks geared to young children, such as the presentation Dinosaurs and More.
Over the years, our understanding of Genesis has matured as we have come to study it intensely and benefit from decades of creationist scientific research that confirms the Genesis history. All this information enables us to deal powerfully with the culture’s intense attacks on God’s Word—especially the first book, Genesis.
Over the years, our understanding of Genesis has matured as we have come to study it intensely and benefit from decades of creationist scientific research that confirms the Genesis history.
So it took many hours, but I have now been able to produce this verse-by-verse family commentary on Genesis 1–11 that does the following:
- Answers the most-asked questions about Genesis, science, and the Bible I’ve been challenged with over the past 46 years (since I became a science teacher in 1975).
- Deals with in-depth theological issues in an easy-to-understand way.
- Weaves the relevance of Genesis message throughout.
- Includes a devotional teaching emphasis so readers can understand who God is and the importance of standing uncompromisingly on the authority of God’s Word.
To many, Genesis seems hard to decipher and know what instruction God is giving us. But it’s really not difficult to understand at all when you take him at his Word and don’t let the world’s teaching on origins influence how you interpret the clear history God has outlined for us.
Once you decipher the first 11 chapters of the Bible, you will realize how important and how vital they are to Christianity. Genesis 1–11 is foundational to the rest of the Bible, all doctrine, the gospel, and a truly Christian worldview.
Take the time to read through Creation to Babel with your family, friends, church, Bible study, or youth group, and let’s get God’s people believing and understanding the foundational chapters of the entire Bible!
It would also make a great Christmas present for family, friends and your pastors.
Order from the AiG website at AnswersBookstore.com.
SourceThis article originally appeared on answersingenesis.org
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